World More Than A Password Day 2023

Common Guidance on Passwords Campaign SCARS supporting signer We believe that using stronger authentication is one of the most effective and inexpensive steps that can be taken to secure organizations and people online. On World More Than A Password Day, November 10, 2023, together we are issuing this Common Guidance on Passwords specifying simple steps [...]

By |2023-11-10T20:59:43-05:00November 10th, 2023|0 Comments

Love scams skyrocketing, cost Floridians $40M annually

Love scams skyrocketing, cost Floridians $40M annually The romance racket is a growing, multimillion dollar-a year industry. Love-related fraud has seen a disturbing, three-fold increase in recent years, with reports of the con tripling to 33,000 between 2016 and 2020, during which time losses quadrupled to $304 million annually, according to the Federal Trade Commission. [...]

By |2023-10-23T06:45:18-04:00October 23rd, 2023|0 Comments

Beware of online dating! Romance scams hits all-time high as fraudsters swindle millions in the name of ‘virtual’ love

Beware of online dating! Romance scams hits all-time high as fraudsters swindle millions in the name of 'virtual' love For years, Debby Montgomery Johnson didn't tell anyone she'd been scammed out of more than $1 million by a man with whom she believed she was in a loving, though virtual, relationship. "It should not have [...]

By |2023-10-23T06:38:14-04:00October 22nd, 2023|0 Comments

Романтичните измами и как да се предпазим от тях

Романтичните измами и как да се предпазим от тях 3 октомври е обявен за Световен ден за превенция на романтичните измами. Романтичната измама онлайн е международно киберпрестъпление, което има жертви и в България. Жертвите се въвличат в любовни отношения и обещания за брак онлайн и чрез емоционални манипулации, същите се мотивират да изпращат големи суми [...]

3 Smart Strategies to Stop Scams That Don’t Break the Bank

3 Smart Strategies to Stop Scams That Don't Break the Bank In the first part of this blog series on financial scams, Dr. Tim McGuinness and Debby Montgomery Johnson (also a scam victim herself), Board Directors at the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams (SCARS) talked about how to interact with potential scam victim once [...]

You Have a Scam Alert, Now What

You Have a Scam Alert, Now What Recently, many of the more technically advanced financial institutions have worked to develop anomaly detection capabilities to detect financial scams (authorized transactions initiated by the real customer). These scams are inherently difficult to detect as it is the real customer doing the transaction. Legacy controls, such as known IP address, [...]

Kings and Queens in Romance Scams – A True Story / E2

Kings and Queens in Romance Scams - A True Story / E2 Featuring Lydia Zagarov, SCARS Board Member In this Episode 2, listeners will have the opportunity to hear a true story of a romance scam survivor. An intelligent and very well educated Psychologist is telling us her story about her communications with scammers. Her [...]

By |2023-11-03T08:18:57-04:00September 26th, 2022|0 Comments