Chairman’s Voice January 2019
By Dr. Tim McGuinness, January 22, 2019
You know, one of the challenges of building an organization is that it is never easy. When we re-registered, I had to wipe the budget out for SCARS and start over. I had to move people into my other companies so they could continue (unlike the government). SCARS in its new incarnation has to have a clean balance sheet to get the final approval and then it can explode. People forget that this isn’t just some guy or gal sitting in their kitchen like every other anti-scam group, that it is a real corporation with people that depend on it to feed their families. Every time someone throws crap at our wall it affects real people – including you all.
In my trip and experience in Las Vegas, I and my fellow SCARS Officers met with some amazing people and companies that are all committed to help. Some have heard from other individuals and felt that no one had a clue until we came along. None of the other groups have answers, just more band-aids. None of the other groups have ever built major businesses or really understand how the internet works. We do because we helped build it.
SCARS is going to increase our level of cooperation with the U.S. and other world governments aggressively over the next year. We are helping the powers that be understand ways to take on Facebook, and even Google is willing to listen to positive changes they can make. Microsoft and Intel like our ideas of eliminating anonymity on the internet to create a truly authentic experience for all, and we hope to complete selling that to Congress in the months to come.
I wanted to say how much I value to voices and advice you all have provided. We hope that we have played a role in helping you all, as we continue on the larges scale activities in front of us. We will always continue to stay as focused on helping individuals as we are on the big picture changes in front of us as well.
Of course, we are sure that you all know you have choices and if there are other groups you have more confidence in that if fine. We will continue doing our best for everyone.
Thank you all for taking this journey with us.
Dr. Tim
Chairman and Founder
Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
TAGS: Dr. McGuinness, Tim McGuinness, SCARS, Chairman, Founder
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