SCARS Announcement

SCARS, originally we were planning to accomplish this with the help of IBM, but SCARS has since discontinued that plan in favor of working with a significantly more power AI platform from LiquidCarrot.™

The plan is beginning the development of a set of AI tools that could help scam victims immediately identity scammers and fakes on social media, in email, and other communication means.

According to Dr. McGuinness, Chairman of SCARS “Our goal for these projects is to create tools that easily allow any person to detect a scam in progress so that they can end it.

Data science and artificial intelligence (AI) practices have evolved to a point where organizations like SCARS are actively experimenting to inject predictive insight into the real world. Yet, moving from experimentation to production has remained a challenge. LiquidCarrot’s open-source model helps the SCARS™ data scientists and developers working together to accelerate the process of moving to deployment and integrate AI into applications that can be used by average people. By simplifying, accelerating, and governing AI deployments, vastly faster and easier than others, LiquidCarrot helps enable us to harness machine learning, deep learning, and decision optimization to deliver new insights into potential criminal behavior online.

We had previously planned on working with IBM, but LiquidCarrot is a far superior platform at vastly lower cost” said Dr, McGuinness

He added “This is not an overnight process, but thanks now to our LiquidCarrot™ relationship SCARS is able to leverage this technology for the purpose of eventually reducing online cybercrime.

This development process will take many months to make it through to the prototype stages, but we will keep our members advised of developments as they occur.

ABOUT SCARS: The Society is a Registered Crime Victims Assistance Nonprofit Corporation based in the United States, representing Victims, Advocates, and active Anti-Scam Professionals and Organizations all around the globe. SCARS represents nearly 1,000,000 people (as of December 15th, 2018) and is the largest body dedicated to changing the world of online fraud and cybercrimes for the sake of everyone. SCARS was founded in February 2015 by Dr. Tim McGuinness a web and PC industry pioneer with over 29 years of experience combating and educating about cybercrime and is also a leading expert in cybersecurity and socially engineered cybercrime.

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