For Immediate Release
June 22, 2019
We are very pleased to announce that SCARS has signed a multi-year agreement with to manage SCARS’ public fundraising.
Donorbox is the leading fundraising provider platform for such prestigious organizations as Suicide Lifeline, the leading crisis hotline in the world, and over 20,000 others such as Habitat for Humanity, UNICEF, Boys & Girls Clubs, and so many more.
SCARS thanks Donobox for accepting us into the ranks of such a profound group of nonprofit organizations.
SCARS is currently funded by generous corporate grants and donations from our partner businesses, but to better serve victims worldwide we need to continue to expand our FREE services to cybercrime victims everywhere.
Unlike other fundraising platforms, Donorbox charges a flat fee of 1.5% for donations received. So that after credit card processing charges of typically 2.5%, SCARS receives 96% of all donations – much lower fees than some other leading fundraising platforms. 100% of what SCARS receives is used for online crime victims support, education, activism and advocacy activities by SCARS.
As you know, the Society was founded in 2015, but its team has been helping online crime victims since 1991. It was founded by Dr. Tim McGuinness, a personal computer industry & internet pioneer, a technologist, futurist, roboticist, and an expert in social engineering processes. Dr. McGuinness was also co-founder of the multi-billion dollar ecommerce business TigerDirect (« ») [«»]
SCARS supports nearly 5 million scam & cybercrime victims a year through its activities on their websites [such as « »] and on social media (such as Facebook). In 2018 SCARS reached more than 5 million scam victims around the world, and over 100,000 victims a month on Facebook. We also provide the only professional scam victim recovery programs that have helped tens of thousands of victims.
In addition, SCARS built the world’s first global interchange network for online crime data SCARS|CDN™ Cybercrime Data Network™ allowing victims worldwide to report scams & scammers for distribution to entities everywhere via websites such as « » and others.
But nothing is free in this world; SCARS donors & supporters provide the funding for these services. SCARS employs a professional team of trained cybercrime victims assistance personnel plus a large number of expert volunteers to help victims in their time of need and is the leading publisher of romance scam related information. This all comes at a cost, but we do not pass that cost on to the victims, for them our services are always free.
The public can help!
The public can help maintain and expand our services so that we can help more victims of cybercrime and online scams. With your help, SCARS can:
- Employee more cybercrime victims assistance professionals to offer more services
- Provide better training for victims assistance volunteers
- Publish more information vital to victims for recovery and scam avoidance in the future
- Support more victims through our professional & peer-to-peer recovery programs
- We would also be able to help more directly through advocacy programs to assist victims in legal problems
- To more comprehensively lobby governments for better laws & treaties to more effectively fight for victims
- And expand our role in working with governments on law enforcement initiatives
We are not asking victims for anything, but everyone can help by sharing this information with friends, families, and coworkers, and employers – to help victims everywhere.
The public can donate to SCARS at « »
As a real tax-exempt nonprofit corporation, we seek donations to support the SCARS Mission and it is all overseen by the SCARS Officers and Board of Directors.
Copyright © 2019 Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
SCARS is a trademark of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
All Rights Reserved Worldwide
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