SCARS New Strategy For Spanish Language Victims’ Support

SCARS Now Has A Formal Spanish Language Website And A Better Defined Spanish Language Coverage Plan [ENG//ESP] PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico – August 16, 2020 For some time we have needed a dedicated Spanish language website. We have a strong presence on social media on Facebook & Twitter in Spanish, [...]

SCARS Announcement [Updated]

SCARS Announcement SCARS, originally we were planning to accomplish this with the help of IBM, but SCARS has since discontinued that plan in favor of working with a significantly more power AI platform from LiquidCarrot.™ The plan is beginning the development of a set of AI tools that could help scam victims immediately identity scammers [...]

SCARS Announcement: Return From Saudi Arabia

SCARS Announcement: Return From Saudi Arabia A Communique from the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc. - a nonprofit nongovernmental organization FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Official Summary & Observations From Our Visit To Saudia Arabia March 2019 We would like to thank the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Culture for their gracious welcome and hospitality during [...]

SCARS Invited to Saudi Arabia By Ministry of Culture

SCARS Invited to Saudi Arabia By Ministry of Culture FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MARCH 14, 2019 MIAMI FLORIDA U.S.A. SCARS Is Extraordinarily Proud To Have Been Invited To Attend A Special Event In Saudi Arabia On March 27th, 2019 SAUDI-ARABIA-INVITATION   Invitation To: Dr. Tim McGuinness, Chairman, SCARS The development of the cultural sector [...]

Government Agencies and Non-Profits Collaborate

Justice Department and Law Enforcement Partners Announce Civil and Criminal Actions to Dismantle Global Network of Mass Mailing FOR IMMEDIATE JOINT RELEASE THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2016 WWW.JUSTICE.GOV Government Agencies and Non-Profits Collaborate to Launch Public Education Campaign The Justice Department, in coordination with the U.S. Postal Inspection Service (USPIS), the Department of the Treasury’s Office [...]