SCARS Officially Sanctions the Committee for Data Standards in Scam Reporting

An Official Statement by The Society of Citizens Against Romance Scams Inc.

I am pleased to announce that SCARS – the Society of Citizens Against Romance Scams’s Committee on Certification & Accreditation has voted to formally sanction the work of this Committee for Data Standards in Scam Reporting, and has committed to adopting your standards when completed and support it as a foundation pillar in the Society’s work going forward into the future on delivering and reporting scams and scammers throughout the world.

The Society looks froward to a long and lasting relationship with the Committee for Data Standards in Scam Reporting and the continued expansion of the SCARS™ Anti-Scam Data Reporting Network™ which your standards support.

The Data Standards in Scam Reporting Project is group developing data reporting standards for the collection, storage, and distribution of online fraud information on the web, in social media, and elsewhere. Founded in January 2016 by a consortium of websites, fraud data clearinghouses, and anti-scam organizations in Europe and North America.

We commend the work of the Chairman Angel Garcia and the efforts of all of their Committee members.

Cynthia Reyes,
Director, Compliance & Certification
Society of Citizens Against Romance Scams